05.06.2019 00:00

Tunisia Employment Pact


Since 2011, the Federal Republic of Germany has been supporting Tunisia's promotion of employment through the Transformation Partnership for North Africa. The name of the programme "Tunisia Employment Pact" reflects the will to combine the strengths and initiatives of the public sector and the private sector. The common goal is to create jobs, especially for young people. Nine Tunisian vocational training centres were the direct recipients of the Pact's support. They are located in many regions of Tunisia: Tunis, Tabarka, Hammamet, Monastir, Sousse, Kebili and Gabès. The "Tunisia Employment Pact" promoted the exchange of experience and the establishment of close cooperation between the nine Tunisian vocational training centres and German organisations of the constitutional economy active in vocational training in Germany.


Story ID603
Project TitleEmployment Pact Tunisia 2
ClientAA - Auswärtiges Amt
Duration 01.01.2014 – 15.02.2015
Project Budget2.550.800,00 EUR
Region Middle East & North Africa
International PartnerBildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) gGmbH
Deutsch-Tunesische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK Tunesien)
Handelskammer (HK) Hamburg
Saar-Lor-Lux Umweltzentrum der Handwerkskammer des Saarlandes (UWZ der HWK Saarland)
Local PartnerAgence Tunisienne de la Formation Professionnelle
Auslandshandelskammer Tunesien
Centre de formation en soudure, outillage et plasturgie de Sousse
Centre National de Formation de Formateurs et d’Ingénierie de Formation
CFA Kebili
CFPTI El Hamma
CSF aux techniques hôtelières d’Hammamet Sud
CSF en électronique de Sousse
CSF en habillement de Manouba
Ministère de la Formation Professionnelle et de l’Emploi

Initial situation / Problem

The transformation of Tunisia initiated by the 2010/2011 Revolution is opening up great opportunities for the country and the entire region. But the challenge of continuing the process of democratisation that has begun is just as great. The population, which has gained new freedoms, expects an improvement in its economic situation. In 2012, approximately 1 million Tunisians were unemployed. The unemployment rate among young people was about 25%. Every year 80,000 new job seekers came onto the market, 60% of them university graduates. Even after the revolution, the unemployment figures and thus the pressure on the labour market continued to rise. At the same time, many companies complain that they cannot find suitably qualified skilled workers.

Project goals

The "Tunisia Employment Pact" programme aimed to contribute to Tunisia's economic stabilisation and successful democratisation by promoting employment and improving the quality of vocational training.

The programme is based on three pillars:

  • Strengthening the dialogue and partnership between the vocational training centres, Tunisian companies and organisations of the constitutional economy in order to bring the educational offer closer to the needs of the private sector.
  • Capacity and skills building of vocational training centres (managers and trainers) and in-company trainers
  • Modernisation of the equipment of the selected vocational training centres


Within the framework of the "Tunisia Employment Pact", vocational training provision and the qualifications of trainers should be geared more closely to the needs of the economy.

These results were achieved in concrete terms:

  • 40 workshops and classrooms were converted and modernised in the nine vocational training centres.
  • The Tunisian partner ATFP contributed EUR 800,000 to the construction work itself.
  • New equipment for nine vocational training centres was procured to the tune of approximately EUR 4 million.
  • Approximately 250 trainers from vocational training centres and companies were trained (technical and didactic training).
  • Over 100 craftsmen and women were trained in photovoltaics.
  • 9 framework curricula were developed or worked on.
  • There were joint activities for managers of the nine vocational training centres.
  • Maintenance software was introduced.
  • Two German partners (UWZ Saarl-Lor-Lux and bbw gGmbH) continued their cooperation with Tunisian partners in BMZ-financed projects.
  • Experience from the Employment Pact has influenced the Tunisian Ministry's strategy and follow-up projects in Tunisia. The role of the private sector in vocational training has been strengthened.