Service Contracts
Based on its core expertise in the areas of promotion of business associations, strengthening of vocational education and training as well as private sector development, sequa has successfully implemented service projects for many years. The most important international donor in this field is the European Union but other bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors are also catered to. Our role is not limited to that of partner but also includes that of project lead. The staff of the Client Group Consulting are well-versed in managing public tendering procedures and ensuring project implementation through competent backstopping and controlling.
In the projects awarded, sequa collaborates with a multitude of partners from the European consulting sector and specialised organisations that are internationally active. Due to our projects worldwide, we also have access to a great number of local actors which we can involve in our work.

In addition, sequa offers an extensive network of professional experts who can be assigned to implement our projects and form an essential part of the expertise we offer for service contracts.
Our projects mainly deal with organisational and capacity development, management and strategic consulting as well as training and coaching (HRD). This portfolio of expertise is rounded off by comprehensive experience in grant and fund management which sequa has acquired as an implementing organisation of large-scale, bilateral grant projects.
sequa’s service contract activities cover the following topics:
Vocational and educational training
- Development of occupational standards
- Development of curricula
- Training of teachers and instructors
- Implementation of internship and apprenticeship schemes
- Career guidance
- Skills Development
- Implementation of Active Labour Market Measures (ALMM)
- Design and set-up of educational management and labour market information systems (EMIS and LMIS)
- Promotion of dialogue structures between the public and private sector (social dialogue)
- Organisation Development of VET Centres, VET Agencies and other actors of the VET System
- Organisation of study tours, especially with regard to the dual VET system of Germany.
- Development of examination and assessment standards and procedures
- Improvement of the legal framework and other policy-related issues
- Formalisation of informal training
- Consideration of topics to Social Inclusion
Private sector promotion with special aspects
- Local and regional business promotion - Local economic development
- Cooperation with business groups (nucleus approach)
- Value chain analysis
- Business development services (BDS)
- Promotion of labour and social standards
- Promotion of entrepreneurship
- Sustainable consumption and production
- Switch to Green: Green Growth, Green Skills, Green Economy, Green Energy
Promotion of Chambers and Business Organisations
- Organisational development designed to improve structures and management
- Improved membership orientation
- Professionalization of advocacy in the political dialogue
- Establishment and expansion of corporate services
sequa implements projects both as lead company and as junior partner.
sequa is a consortium partner in Lot 2 and Lot 4 of the EU Framework Contracts SIEA as well as in Lot 2 of the PSF FWC 2019.
Current projects
VETLAM II – Strengthening of the Labour Market and TVET in Northern Cyprus
From 2016 to 2019, sequa has been carrying out the project VETLAM II that promoted vocational education and the labour market system in Northern Cyprus. In the course of a large number of consultations and workshops conducted in cooperation with representatives of the local private sector, the project team successfully managed to effect the revision and official recognition of 37 professional standards. It also succeeded in establishing four Sector Skills Councils that still meet at regular intervals. The project has had an impact on active labour market policies as well: workshops were organised for women and youths to provide them with guidance in job seeking and many other relevant topics. In addition, the project experts contributed to the submission of a well-founded proposal for the development of a national qualification framework.
Switch-to-Green Facility – Promotion of a Green Economy
Since 2016, the Switch-to-Green Facility, another sequa service project, has been advising DG DEVCO (today DG INTPA) in Brussels on the implementation of the Switch-to-Green Flagship Initiative of the European Union. SWITCH aims at facilitating the transition to an inclusive green economy, thus contributing to achieving the relevant goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The initiative built on already existing regional SWITCH to green programmes in Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean. sequa’s consultants have been assisting DEVCO staff especially in the revision of planning and work documents for concrete project ideas, coordination with other international Green Economy initiatives and the important task of public relations.
Reform of the TVET Sector in the Turks&Caicos Islands
Situated North of Haiti and South of Bahamas in the Caribbean, the Turks&Caicos Islands (TCI) are a particular geolocation and are still struggling to overcome the effects of two devastating hurricanes in 2016. As a British Overseas Territory, the TCI are entitled to receive funds from the European Union. In this framework and as part of complementary support to the reform of the education sector, sequa is currently implementing the project "Increased matching of the educational offer with the labour market needs".
In particular, sequa consultants are assisting the government of the Turks&Caicos Islands in
- The design and implementation of a Labour Market Needs Survey;
- The design of the basis of a Labour Market Information System (LMIS);
- The design of a National Technical Vocational Training Agency (Feasibility Study and implementation strategy);
- Capacity Building to the Ministry and TCI Community College; and
- Training programmes for TVET teachers (Initial training programmes; Training and accreditation of TCICC instructors; Implementation and monitoring).
Study for EAC Partner States on the Liberalisation of Trade in selected Services
From the end of 2019 to the end of 2020, sequa has been supporting EAC partner states in implementing their commitments to liberalise trade in services under the Common Market Protocol (CMP). The purpose of this assignment was to conduct studies that examined the three target sectors of distribution, insurance and accounting with regard to their liberalisation within the East African Community. In addition, sequa supported the partner states to prepare for the implementation of the "trade in services" component of the CORE programme. Specifically, a diagnostic study - based on feedback from a regional validation workshop and country input from Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda - a regulatory review report and a regulatory report for the three sectors were prepared. In addition, the relevant legislation for the three sectors was reviewed and the need for adaptation was identified.