Business Membership Organisations

Armenia: Strengthening the Business and Education Association

A new Business Membership Organisation Partnerships (KVP) between the Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the Armenian Business and Education Association has begun.

Quelle: sequa

Quelle: sequa

Quelle: sequa

From February 10 to February 15, 2024, the official opening of the new KVP project took place in Yerevan, which the Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has been implementing with the Armenian Business and Education Association since January 2024. In preparation for the kick-off event, the German and Armenian partners jointly developed an activity plan for the next three years, defined responsibilities and developed a monitoring plan. The aim of the project is to enable the Armenian association to become one of the most important voices in the Armenian economy. The project encompasses a wide range of activities, including strengthening the association's committee work, developing an effective communication strategy in order to be visible to the public, and creating training courses for skills development for companies and women. In addition, exchange formats for members, potential members and stakeholders are supported in order to build sustainable networks. The three-year project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.


Anastasia Thulke

+49 (0) 228 98238-49