Business Membership Organisations

Brazil: Successful 1st phase of the partnership project "DEL Turismo"

In October 2021, the business member organisation partnership between the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. (bbw) and business associations from 5 regions in Brazil was launched. So far, 31 selected municipalities have been advised on the planning and implementation of sustainable tourism concepts. It is assumed that an improved tourism offer and destination management of a municipality has a positive impact on the surrounding region and thus also contributes to regional economic development. The strategic partner is the Dutch foundation for sustainable tourism "Green Destinations", which carries out certification according to international standards. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

The outcome of the Project Progress Control (PPC) in April 2024 was very positive: DEL Turismo has achieved the project objective in full. The project has expanded democratic and decentralised dialogue mechanisms between state actors, civil society and the local economy, initiating processes of ecologically and socially sustainable tourism development in many more municipalities than planned (31 instead of 15). The concept of local economic development (LED or DEL) provides the methodological basis and ensures that democratic decision-making processes focusing on solving substantive issues are consolidated in the participating municipalities.

With the support of local and international consultants, the partner communities implement activities aimed at the socially and environmentally sound development of the tourism sector. This is less about increasing the number of tourists and more about local and regional economic development through gentle and high-quality tourism, which creates additional jobs with good working conditions. However, it is not only destinations that can increase their attractiveness and reputation through certification, but also companies such as hotels or leisure parks. Through certification, destinations and companies can prove that they comply with globally  agreed sustainability requirements.

The PPC therefore recommends a second phase with a focus on connecting the stakeholders even more broadly by means of nationwide alliances and international networks in order to institutionalise socially and ecologically sustainable tourism at federal, state and municipal level.


 Ute Reckers
Ute Reckers

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