Business Membership Organisations

Georgia: Improved occupational safety for construction sector

A new association partnership has been launched between Bauverbaende NRW and the association for occupational health and safety Business Georgia.

Quelle: sequa, Lea Zeppenfeld

The first phase of a chamber and association partnership (KVP) in Georgia began in mid-December. The aim is to make a concrete contribution to the health and job satisfaction of employees in Georgian companies and to balanced social development in Georgia as a whole. To this end, the Georgian trade association is to be professionalized in its role as an interest group and put in a position to offer services and products for its members and other stakeholders in the field of occupational health and safety. The construction sector in Georgia in particular is considered to be highly exposed and fatal accidents at work occur regularly. The project will also focus on strengthening the Georgian labor inspectorate. The KVP is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


 Lea Zeppenfeld
Lea Zeppenfeld

+49 (0) 228 98238-323