Business Membership Organisations

Kenya: Developing the informal sector

The Chamber of Skilled Crafts Frankfurt-Rhein-Main advises the Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations (KNFJKA) within the framework of a Chamber and Association Partnership (KVP). The aim is to strengthen the informal sector (Jua Kali) in Kenya.

Quelle: sequa, Verena Duhr


Although the informal sector makes an important contribution to the economic development of the country with about 6 million enterprises, the sector is underdeveloped. Most of the workers have not completed formal training and the visibility of the sector is low. This is where the project of the Chamber of Skilled Crafts Frankfurt-Rhein-Main, that is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, comes in. The plan is to support the KNFJKA in digitising its own members as well as the members of the primary associations in order to make membership administration and communication more effective. Furthermore, the development of demand-oriented services and the establishment of a training and further education offer is planned.


 Henry Höschler
Henry Höschler

+49 (0) 228 98238-24