
Network meeting 2024 - Connect, Inspire, Renew

After two virtual network meetings of the partnership projects of the KVP, BBP and PartnerAfrica programs, sequa finally held the meeting as a live event on 23 May 2024. Under the motto “Connect, Inspire, Renew”, 86 participants, including technical managers and long-term experts of the BMZ-funded partnership projects, sequa employees and BMZ representatives, met at the Gustav Stresemann Institute in Bonn to exchange information and ideas about the partnership projects. Ms. Beate Heimberger professionally moderated the event as an external moderator. 

Quelle: sequa/Sarah Larissa Heuser

Quelle: sequa/Sarah Larissa Heuser

Quelle: sequa/Sarah Larissa Heuser

Quelle: sequa/Sarah Larissa Heuser

Quelle: sequa/Sarah Larissa Heuser

The morning was initially dedicated to information on current developments at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and sequa. The focus was on an interview with BMZ representatives from Divisions 412 (Economic Networks) and 104 (Good Work) to explain the current political priorities of the BMZ, in particular the new umbrella brand “Partners in Transformation”, and to place them in the context of the partnership programs. The long-term experts from three KVP, BBP and Partner Africa projects in Colombia, Ukraine and Rwanda then presented their project work in illustrative pitches. The focus was on the impact, sustainability and innovation potential of the projects.

The afternoon was all about exchange: in the form of a “Conversation Café”, the participants discussed various topics at 8 stations that they had previously been able to suggest, including skilled labour migration, qualitative project impacts and making project durations more flexible. After an initial discussion round, an “open space” invited participants to inform themselves about the results at the individual stations and to contribute further aspects. sequa will evaluate the contributions and derive concrete work assignments from them.

The sequa team would like to thank all participants for making the event a success. The next network meeting is expected to take place in spring 2026.

For further information, please contact or call +49 (0)228 98 238 12.