Private Sector Development (others)

Skilled Crafts "hands on" - Successful in development cooperation

Skilled crafts contribute to a successful German development cooperation! They are an important tool for a Just Transition and a Feminist Development Policy. This became clear at the symposium "Handwerk packt an" on May 24.

Quelle: sequa, Bjoern Hinz

The event was organised by the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH) and carried out with the support of sequa and the Business Scouts for Development. The aim was to provide information on the capabilities of the skilled crafts sector in development cooperation and to highlight exemplary successes as well as the range of possible applications. The aim was also to emphasise the link between the craft formats and the priority themes of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and thus to highlight the potential of the craft sector for implementing, among other things, the socially just transition to a climate-friendly economy, feminist development policy or combating the causes of flight.

In a varied programme of presentations, a marketplace format and a panel discussion, craftspeople and representatives of crafts organisations showed what their projects have to offer. A variety of project approaches were presented - from a company partnership, in which Ugandan skilled workers are trained on a construction site, among other things, in safety issues and state of the art, a project in which, with the support of a German master painter and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, paints are being developed for the climate-friendly painting of roofs white, to a project of the Chamber of crafts (HWK) Koblenz, which supports craftspeople and their associations in the Western Balkans and Ukraine.

The program was framed by greetings and short presentations by representatives of ZDH, BMZ, GIZ and sequa. As the closing words of the BMZ said: Skilled Crafts are concrete, and they contribute to the improvement of the livelihoods of the people on the ground!


 Niklas Cramer
Niklas Cramer

+49 (0) 228 98238-327