
Trade union partnerships: new instrument by sequa

As part of the cooperation of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with the private sector, German trade unions can now receive funding through sequa for the implementation of their own partnership projects with trade unions in developing countries.


The BMZ is thus placing cooperation with the private sector on a broader basis for comprehensive support of the socio-ecological transformation in partner countries. Analogous to the projects of chambers and associations, trade union partnerships are intended to serve the exchange of experience as well as partnership-based advice and support, e.g. for the creation of good and high-quality employment or the promotion of economic participation, especially of women.

The BMZ funding enables a targeted and multi-year cooperation of German and local partners for the achievement of jointly planned project objectives under the independent control of the German trade union. Applications are submitted through sequa.

For further information and support in project development, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact: Matthias Hertin, Client Manager KVP + BBP

Phone: +49 (0) 228 98238 - 22
