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Field of Activity
Business Membership Organisations
01.10.2024 – 30.06.2027

Biogas-Partnership Serbia

The 2nd phase of the chamber and association partnership project aims to strengthen the Serbian Biogas Association (SBA) as a self-sustaining and established organization. Through close cooperation with the German Biogas Association (FvB), the SBA will be enabled to promote the production and use of biogas in Serbia sustainably. The project includes advisory and training measures to improve the SBA's organizational structures, expand its services, and enhance its capacity for political advocacy. The goal is to increase biogas production and advance environmental and climate protection in Serbia.

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Field of Activity
Vocational Education and Training
Sub-Saharan Africa
01.09.2024 – 31.08.2027

PA HWK Cologne Senegal

In Diourbel, a rural region with high potential for the expansion of renewable energies and high youth unemployment, the project proposed here aims to establish innovative vocational education and training opportunities with craft organizations and vocational training institutions that will help young people and young skilled workers to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the rapid development of the sustainable energy sector. Well-structured vocational training adapted to companies can enable companies to work more productively and profitably, thus increasing the chances of creating new jobs through growth and strengthening the local economy.

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Field of Activity
Private Sector Development (others)
Sub-Saharan Africa
19.08.2024 – 28.02.2026


The project supports 25 SMEs in the geographic regions of Amhara, Oromia and Addis Ababa to achieve business continuity, recovery and growth of their businesses. The objective of the measure is to address the needs of the population affected by the crises by creating or securing employment and income prospects through business recovery and continuity support of Ethiopian SMEs from affected regions. Moreover, the support will provide access for the population to cost-effective, environmental and climate friendly as well as qualitatively appropriate products and services targeting the following sectors: • (Basic) Foods • WASH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene) • Logistics, Transport, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Benefiting SMEs shall meet at least one of the following criteria: • Being affected by at least one of the major crises: Internal conflict, Covid-19, the Ukraine conflict or climate and environmental related risks. • Addressing the needs of the conflict-affected population: Offering products and services needed.

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Field of Activity
Vocational Education and Training
Middle East & North Africa
15.08.2024 – 31.07.2025


The focus is on the three fields of action: 1. laying the foundations for the planning and implementation of safe, regular and development-oriented labour and training migration. 2. relevant partner institutions pilot models of safe, regular and development-oriented training and labour migration with Germany. 3. reciprocal learning, dialogue and networking formats between Jordan and Germany on the topic of labour and training migration are established.

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Field of Activity
Private Sector Development (others)
Middle East & North Africa
01.07.2024 – 28.02.2026

SME-Empowerment Water Wastewater Morocco

There is a lack of modern water and wastewater infrastructure in rural and peri-urban areas of Morocco. Moroccan SMEs need to be equipped both technically and administratively to build and maintain the new water and wastewater infrastructure (e.g. by improving their ability to participate in tenders). The project will support SMEs through the Nucleus approach. Groups of 12-20 SMEs will be formed and led by a Nucleus counsellor. Using a participatory technique, the SMEs independently identify their problems and work out possible solutions. To a certain extent, the project can finance solutions, such as training or necessary machinery.

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Field of Activity
Middle East & North Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Ethiopia, Ghana
01.06.2024 – 31.05.2025

SME Support Scheme

This African SME Network for Exchange and Trade (AfNEXT) targets export-oriented SMEs in Ghana, Egypt and Ethiopia. The aim of the measure is to support selected SMEs by improving their capability to position their company and products in export markets, with a focus on intra-African trade, but also evaluating export potential to Europe and other markets. Increased capacities will create long-term income prospects, emerge job opportunities, reduce poverty in the target countries and support the transition to a climate-friendly economy.

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Field of Activity
Trade Promotion
imove India
01.05.2024 – 30.04.2028

iMOVE office India 3

From 01/2016 until 04/2028 the project office of sequa in India runs the Indian activities of iMOVE, a unit created by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) for the export of German dual vocational training into other countries. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and is dealing with marketing under the heading “Training – Made in Germany”, contact making for Indo-German co-operations in Vocational Education and Training (VET), matching supply and demand of German VET services as well as iMOVE specific monitoring of relevant Indo-German events and initiatives.

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Field of Activity
Vocational Education and Training
18.03.2024 – 14.09.2026

Capacity Building for associations in Georgia

The GIZ project "VET in Georgia's growth sectors", which has been running since September 2023, focuses on sustainable economic development, training and employment in Georgia. The aim is to improve employment prospects in selected sectors of the Georgian economy. Thus it contributes to the objectives set out in the 2021-2024 programme “Towards Building a European State” in particular Objective 2, Economic Development, and Objective 3, Social Policy and Human Capital Development. The target group is Georgia's employable population, in particular young women and men aged 15 to 24 who are not in employment, but also employees and company owners. Intermediaries are specialists and managers from vocational training institutions as well as service providers in the selected sectors. Through its nationwide network of chambers and associations, sequa can contribute the necessary expertise in the areas of vocational training and organizational development of vocational training actors to the GIZ project.

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Field of Activity
Trade Promotion
Middle East & North Africa
07.03.2024 – 31.07.2025

Trade Promotion in Jordan

After sequa provided targeted support to Jordanian business organizations and companies from the fresh fruit and vegetables and natural ingredients sectors as part of the GIZ project "Trade for Employment" in 2023 in order to establish new business relationships between Jordanian exporters and European importers, sequa's project activities will enter a new phase in 2024. The new project will run from March 2024 to June 2025 and aims to enhance the export capacities of Jordan's fresh fruit and vegetables, natural ingredients and IT outsourcing sectors. The target groups are selected Jordanian matchmaking-ready companies with export potential from the above mentioned sectors. Project activities include preparation and matchmaking of Jordanian companies at SIAL Paris and a buying mission of European fresh fruits and vegetables importers to Jordan.

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Field of Activity
Vocational Education and Training
Bosnia and Herzegovina
01.02.2024 – 31.03.2026

Capacity building for chambers and associations in

sequa supports GIZ in implementing the fulfilment of the following project outputs: - Elements of dual-organised VET have been further developed at the level of chambers, school authorities, vocational schools and training companies. - Elements of dual-organised vocational education and training have been scaled up in two additional partner regions.

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