VTP HWK Koblenz Eastern Africa

The Koblenz Chamber of Skilled Crafts is carrying out the second phase of a vocational training partnership. It has three partner countries: Uganda and Burundi in addition to Rwanda, where the Chamber of Skilled Crafts has already been implementing VET partnerships for many years. The aim of the multi-partner structure is to harmonize vocational training on a pilot basis and to transfer structures and innovations that have proven successful in one country to the other countries on a pilot basis. The project deals with the solar, welding, tailoring and food processing trades.


Field of Activity
Vocational Education and Training
Sub-Saharan Africa
Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda
01.11.2023 – 31.10.2026
Project ID1055
Project TitleVocational Education and Training Partnership between Chamber of Skilled Crafts (CSC) Koblenz and Vocational Schools as well as Associations in Burundi, Ruanda and Uganda
Project Budget1.200.000,00 EUR
ClientBMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Applicant/Offeror Handwerkskammer (HWK) Koblenz
Local PartnerAssociation of Metal Workers (APROMET)
Association of Professinal Tailors
Centre de Formation et de Perfectionnement Professionnel (CFPP)
Energy Private Developers
Fondation Stamm
Gacuriro Vocational Training Centre (Gacuriro VTC)
Lugogo Vocational Training Institute (Lugogo VTI)
St. Joseph Integrated Technical College (SJITC)
St. Joseph's Technical Institute Kisubi (SJTIK)
Uganda Small Scale Industries Association (USSIA)

Project Target

Practice-oriented vocational training has been strengthened in selected professions in Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda through mutual learning, particularly with regard to occupational fields in the areas of renewable energies and the promotion of women's employment.


 Nathalie Heinsohn
Nathalie Heinsohn

+49 (0) 228 98238-48