From November 2023 to October 2026, GIZ, which works on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), has commissioned sequa to implement the project. The aim is to support smallholder family farms and SMEs in western Kenya and Rwanda by using innovative mechanization solutions to increase sustainability in the management of their farms.
It is expected that the management of 9000 smallholder farms will improve through better access to mechanization and training. In addition, the project will introduce new services for women farmers and young people in the machinery rings, such as the rental of climate-resilient implements.
The project supports the establishment of machinery rings at two locations in Kenya and one location in Rwanda with technical advice from the Bundesverband der Maschinenringe e.V. (Federal Association of Machinery Rings) with the Machinery Ring Foundation. These member-based agricultural self-help organizations represent the adapted mechanization of agriculture as a core concern. In addition, machinery rings work in the placement of labour, logistics in the context of agricultural value chains, consulting on agricultural business organization and as consulting and information service providers in the area of further education and training for their members.