Trade Promotion

Malawi: Sourcing Mission

Visit to Malawian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the natural ingredients and tourism sectors.

Quelle: Maria Kapil

Source: Maria Kapil

Source: Maria Kapil

Source: Maria Kapil

Quelle: Maria Kapil

A sourcing trip to Malawi took place in November. The special thing about the trip was the combination of the natural ingredients and tourism sectors. A total of nine tourism companies and eight producers of natural ingredients were visited and analysed with regard to their export potential. All the companies visited were pre-selected in advance through virtual preliminary talks.

The trip was particularly successful in the tourism sector: six companies will offer their services at the upcoming ITB (5-7 March 2024 in Berlin) at the Malawian joint stand of the Department of Tourism and will be supported by sequa with a tailored preparation programme and matchmaking. Three other companies will be visiting ITB as part of a study tour.

The challenges for the export of Malawian agricultural goods are currently somewhat greater. For example, it is difficult to obtain internationally recognised certifications in Malawi, which are a prerequisite for exporting to Europe. sequa will support the companies in precisely these areas in the coming year and is confident that some companies will be able to enter the market.

Interested tourism providers were also offered an introductory workshop on the European travel market at the GIZ premises in Lilongwe, which was very well received by the 20 or so participants.


 Judith Heckmann
Judith Heckmann

+49 (0) 228 98238-54