
ARIVET: More than 12.000 people reached

German-Iranian Qualification project for Afghan refugees ended

Quelle: sequa

Since 2018, sequa implemented the project ARIVET for the vocational qualification of Afghan refugees in Iran. The aim of the project was to increase the professional and economic skills of Afghan refugees. This was done through education and training measures, market-oriented consulting, and capacity development of participating partner organisations. ARIVET was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) as part of the special initiative "Combating the Causes of Flight, Reintegrating Refugees".

Against the background of the further deteriorating human rights situation in Iran, ARIVET was terminated at the end of 2022. By then, a total of 12,600 people had been reached. Vocational schools and non-governmental organisations in five different provinces were equipped with modern necessary tools and machines and trained in providing further education courses. More than 4,000 refugees were thus able to participate in vocational school courses in wide-ranging trades such as tailoring, electrics, automotive mechanics, bakery and tiling. 6,600 refugees took part in qualification courses such as literacy, computer skills or soft skills and another 1,000 in market integration courses that will help them into the labor market. Overall, the majority of refugees reached were female. Since returning to Afghanistan is no longer an option for the target group since the summer of 2021, the skills acquired will now primarily serve economic integration in Iran or in third countries. Through better qualification, the chances of employment should increase and thus the improvement of living conditions and improved integration should be achieved.